Blog 4 - What Verisense metrics should I use for analysis?

Our fourth blog post further explores the activity and sleep metrics the Verisense platform outputs, which can be used for analysis.

There are a large number of metrics available in the Verisense outputs. This blog will provide a brief summary of the different types of metrics available and then suggest metrics to use for initial analysis if you aren’t sure where to start.

Verisense provides activity and sleep metrics on a nightly / daily basis as well as an averaged basis for each patient. The sleep and activity information can be found in the .csv files that Verisense Outputs. Sample .csv files can be downloaded here.

Part2 metrics provide analysis on the raw acceleration signals without respect to sleep times. Part4 metrics provide information on sleeping quantity and quality. Part5 metrics provide information on activity levels and sedentary periods during waking periods. The files that contain ‘nightsummary’ or ‘daysummary’ in the title provide information for each night or day of recording, while the files that contain ‘summary’ in the title provide averaged information for each day or night in the trial. A more in-depth description of results can be found here.

If you are not familiar with this type of data the following metrics are recommended to start with, in order to develop an understanding of the full range of available metrics.

 Variable  Daily  Average over all days*
 Inactivity      ✔                   ✔
 Inactivity > 30min      ✔                   ✔
 Moderate-to-Vigorous PA       ✔                   ✔
 Non-wear time      ✔                   ✔
 Sleep onset time      ✔                   ✔
 Wake time      ✔                   ✔
 Sleep period window      ✔                   ✔
 Sleep efficiency      ✔                   ✔

*Averaged values are provided for all days, for week days, for week-end days as well as a weighted average.

The following tables provide information on what metric in what .csv file provides the relevant information on a daily / nightly basis as well as on an averaged basis.

Daily Activity and Sleep Metrics

 Variable   Unit  Description   Variable  Name   File  Location
 Date  date    




 Week day    Day of the week  weekday



 Inactivity   time  min  Sum on inactivity time on each day  dur_day_total_IN_min



 MVPA   Bouts  min  Sum of all MVPA in bouts of over 10 minutes





 Inactivity   bouts     >   30min  min  Sum of inactivity bouts over 30 min  dur_day_IN_bts_30_min



 Sleep   efficiency  %  Percentage of sleep versus neurological   wakefulness during the sleep period time window  sleep_efficiency



 Non wear   time  %  Percentage of non- wear time on each   day  nonwear_perc_day_spt



 Sleep date  date  Calendar date for sleep onset time and wake   time  calendar_date



 Sleep   week day    Day of the week for sleep onset time and wake   time  weekday



 Sleep   onset time  time   of   day  Time of sleeponset each night  sleeponset_ts



 Wake time  time   of   day  Time of waking up each morning  wakeup_ts



 Sleep   period   window  hr  Time from sleeponset to wake  SptDuration



Averaged Activity and Sleep Metrics

Variable Unit Description Variable Name File Location
 Number of days    Number of valid days  Nvaliddays



 Number of week days    Number of valid week days  Nvaliddays_WE



 Number of weekend days    Number of weekend days  Nvaliddays_WD



 Avg inactivity  min  Average inactivity over all days  dur_day_total_IN_min_pla



 Avg bouted Inactivity  min  Average inactivity in 30min periods  dur_day_IN_bts_30_min_pla



 Avg MVPA time  min  Average MVPA time in bouts of over 10 min  dur_day_MVPA_bts_10_min_pla



 Avg sleep efficiency  %  Average sleep efficiency  sleep_efficiency_pla



 Avg sleep period time  hr  Average sleep period time  sptDuration_AD_mn  part4_summary_sleep_cleaned.csv
 Avg sleep efficiency   %  Average sleep efficiency  sleep_efficiency_AD_mn  Part4_summary_sleep_cleaned.csv
 Avg sleep onset time  hr  Average sleep onset time  sleeponset_AD_mn  part4_summary_sleep_cleaned.csv
 Avg wake time  hr  Average wake time  wakeup_AD_mn  part4_summary_sleep_cleaned.csv

Blog 5 - Verisense Algorithm Validation Studies


Blog 3 - Verisense Data Visualization